Member Price:
RM 86.40
Normal Price:
RM 86.40
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Average Ratings:
Not Rated
Additional Information
Suggested Age:
8 and up
No. of Players:
2 - 6
Game Duration:
< 30 minutes
Zachary Eagle
Kanga Games

Go Nuts for Donuts Bundle (20%) 為滋瘋狂 + 擴充包 (八折)
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★★★ PROMOTION: Get both Go Nuts for Donuts & Expansion Pack at only RM86.4 with special discount (RM108- 20% off) + Free Promo Cards! 送限量擴充牌! ★★★

The Pastry-Picking Card Game!

Time to take the donuts! A tray of tempting treats awaits your bid in this freshly baked card game. Will you go for a stellar cruller or grab a glorious glazed? A double chocolate is sure to score, but in the long run Boston cream may be worth more! Choose carefully - if two or more players go for the same donut, nobody gets it! End with the highest score and victory will taste sweet!

Strategy…Choices…Tension… Three essential ingredients to any great game. All of them play a vital role in this easy-to-learn and instantly engaging card game from first-time inventor Zachary Eagle. Together with the team at Daily Magic Games, Zachary created a unique twist on set collection card games. In addition to the whimsical variety of donuts inside, part of what makes Go Nuts for Donuts! stand apart from the crowd is the secret bidding. This adds a delicious layer of tension that will surely tempt you to come back for another round!

How can you make Go Nuts for Donuts even more delicious? Add more donuts of course! You will get the Expansion Pack in this bundle, there's a variety of delicious goodies that you can pick and choose to use with the base game to give the game more variety and fun!

Cards in the Expansion Pack:
  • 5 Spicy Donut Cards
  • 5 Churros Cards
  • 3 Malasada Cards
  • 3 Blueberry Glazed Cards
  • 2 Pershing Cards
  • 2 Cupcake Cards
  • 2 Paczki Cards Cards



好遊戲不可或缺的三個元素:策略、抉擇、緊張感,這三個元素在投入這款容易上手的遊戲中都扮演非常重要的角色,本遊戲是作者Zachary Eagle的第一個作品,Zachary Eagle和他的團隊Daily Magic Games共同創造了這款獨特的卡牌遊戲,加上各式各樣稀奇古怪的甜甜圈卡,讓玩家為甜甜圈為之瘋狂。秘密競標者的概念使這款遊戲更為刺激緊張,保證你會愛不釋手想再來一場!


  • 5張辣味多拿滋
  • 5張吉拿棒
  • 3張葡式多拿滋
  • 3張藍莓糖霜
  • 2張波斯捲
  • 2張杯子蛋糕
  • 2張多拿滋包

*NOTE* This is an English, Chinese bilingual edition. 這是中,英二語版。(Chinese)