2016-01-20 06:06:31
Your group is in a fantasy world where the Shadows are battling Hunters. Caught in between are Neutrals who are trying to achieve their own goals.
Better than The Resistance, Werewolf, Ultimate werewolf and Bang. This one just shines as a hidden role game. Shadow Hunters has green cards that allow a player to somewhat find out the identity of another player (but only he/she will know).
Shadow Hunters eliminates that feeling of minority that a character like a Werewolf or a spy in The Resistance or a Renegade in Bang may feel because in Shadow Hunters, you are evenly paired up with a friend (who you do not know at the beginning of the game). My group enjoys it way more than any other games in the genre. We have payed it over 30 times and it is still fresh.
2013-02-17 23:28:14
This is a VERY good party game. It is fast, easy, and extremely entertaining with the rules of disclosing your identity of your 'hero'.