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Wei-Min Ling
EmperorS4 Games 桌遊愛樂事

Shadows in Kyoto 京都諜影
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In 1867, the last feudal Japanese military government, Edo bakufu, returned the governing power back to Emperor Meiji. However, Oniwaban, a group of undercover spies, was still being employed by themilitary government, secretly protecting the Shogun and collecting valuableintelligence. They disguised their appearances, and formed their headquarters near the famous street in Kyoto, Hanamikoji. In 1878, with the help of severalskilled female agents, Oniwaban assassinated the secretary of state at the time, posing a serious threat to the Meiji government...


Shadows in Kyoto is in the same universe and the bestselling game Hanamikoji. With beautiful artwork featuring the same fictional history, with easy to learn rules, a 2-player game with lots of variants. From the story, mechanism, art and all the details is focused in bringing players new and exciting game play experience. By utilizing the various leader charismas, your agents can unexpectedly break the opponent’s blockade, you can also strategize and set traps, attack when unexpected.

There are two types of intelligence in the game, real and fake. To win, 1 of your agent with real intelligence successfully escapes the enemy or capture 2 of enemy with real intelligence, or alternatively you can also let the enemy capture 3 fake intelligence. Each round players choose to play 1 Site Card or 1 Tactics Car, your agent will move to the corresponding site. If two opposing players occupy the same site, a conflict occurs, the player with the more power captures opponent’s agent.

西元1867 年,日本歷史上最後一個幕府政權「江戶幕府」將政權歸還予明治天皇。然而,以幕府將軍身旁的密探組織「御庭番眾」為首的一群人,仍然暗中擁護幕府,他們利用外觀作為掩飾,在京都的知名花街「花見小路」成立了密探總部,更招募了許多身手不凡的女性密探,於明治十一年暗殺了當時的內務卿,持續對明治政府造成威脅。




*NOTE* This is an English, Chinese & Japanese trilingual edition. 這是中,英,日三語版。(Chinese)