Burano, also known as the lace island, is an island in the northern Venetian lagoon. The island extremely famous for its brightly colored houses, those square-shaped houses of a riot of colors along the water channels make it like a fairy tale land. A favorite vacation spot for people all over the worlds.
In Burano, players represent a family leader on this little island. They can send men to fish for the main source of income, or send women to lacemaking to sale abroad. Making a good living and making Burano world famous, you have to figure out how to organize family members to their suitable work. The most intriguing aspect of Burano is the multi-level houses that all the players built together during game play, each time the board looks different.
Burano is played over four seasons, 14 rounds altogether. Through the novel "cube pyramid-driven" mechanism, players take turns paying coins to operate their cube pyramid during each round. The operation of the color-coded cubes would trigger certain actions, such as fishing, lace making, and house roofing, which will earn players victory points (VP). At the end of the game, whoever has earned the most VP wins.
在水都威尼斯諸島中,布拉諾島 (Burano) 以色彩動人又極富風土民情的特色建築聞名於世。當地的蕾絲紡織自古以來就是進貢給王室的珍貴精品,在今日,此處是數一數二的旅遊勝地,更是許多新人蜜月旅行的首選之一。
*NOTE* This is an English, Chinese bilingual edition. 這是中,英二語版。(Chinese)